Thursday, June 2, 2011

Can Your Child Stay Home Alone?

Can Your Child Stay Home Alone?

With the summer vacation upon us, many parents are unsure about what to do with their children during the hours they would have been at school. So the question is: can my child be left home alone? Most experts agree that your child should be eleven or twelve in which your child can start to be left home alone for no more than three hours a day. Other factors can affect this age, including safety of your neighborhood, ability of your child to get help from a neighbor and the maturity of your son or daughter.
“Before you crown a youngster the afternoon keeper of the castle, she should be able to perform the following routine household tasks: Knows how to properly answer the telephone. Kids should never disclose to an unfamiliar voice that they are alone. An appropriate response would be: “My mom’s not able to come to the phone right now; can I take your number and have her get back to you?”

1 comment:

  1. Children are at their most vulnerable as a target of sexual assault at the age of 15. This blog shows how a mother is dealing with the horrible experience, but also a way to protect your kids from this ever happening. Have a look:
